Halong Bay Cruise Seasons

2:28 AM

There are 2 main seasons in when it comes to cruises in Halong Bay. Depending on which one it is, weather condition and boarding prices will change accordingly. This blog post aims to give you a quick view of these seasons and some tips so you can plan your trip to fit your needs the most.

Off-Peak Season

Overnight cruise in off-peak season
Quick facts:
- Time: Apr – Oct
- Temperature: 20°C - 30°C
- Guests/Tourists: Mainly from Asia and other tropical countries. Aug+Sep+Oct has the least guests
- Tips: Book flexible-rate in case of inclement weather.

During this period in Halong Bay, Summer & Fall are the 2 main seasons. The weather is generally warm and sunny, with lovely breeze and glistening sunbeam. This season is ideal for those who want a taste of the tropical seas as Halong Bay glows to its brightest during these days.

You will find the majority of guests in this season are from Asia and other tropical countries. June, July and August is the peak season for cruises serving Vietnamese guests mainly. The period from mid-August to October has the least amount of guests boarding cruises.

As this is the off-peak season for luxury cruises like Paradise, booking prices are generally cheaper than peak season and the cruises aren’t too crowded, especially from August to October with the cheapest prices of the year as well as many deals available.

However, as an effect of the tropical climate, storms and hurricanes may appear in the area during this season. Therefore, it is recommended that you book the flexible rate so you can change the date if necessary.

Peak Season

A cruise in peak-season in Halong Bay
Quick facts:
- Time: Nov – Mar
- Temperature: 15°C - 23°C
- Guests /Tourists: mainly from the US, EU and other temperate countries.
- Tips: Book ASAP to guarantee good price & accommodation.

During this period in Halong Bay, it’s wintertime and also early spring. The weather is dry thanks to Northeastern wind, with a thin veil of misty fog covers the bay as Spring rolls around. Come and witness Halong Bay sails right out of a fairytale into the seas of Vietnam with its enchanting & mythical scenery. The mysterious aura makes this season most ideal for sightseeing and photo-ops.

This period is also packed with holidays and festivities: Christmas & New Year’s celebration in December - January and Lunar New Year in January - February.

This season is a hit with tourists from the US, EU and other temperate countries. The peak time with most guests is during December & January.

Being the peak season, prices are 10-20% higher than off-peak season and highest during peak time. Therefore, it is highly recommended to book as soon as possible to guarantee good price and accommodation due to the high demand.

By Trang Le
Photo: Paradise Cruise

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